Partnerships  |  Сompany news   |   07.08.2018

Wallet Factory Signed Contract with Beeline Kazakhstan (VEON Group) to Supply eMoney System

London, August 7th, 2018 – Wallet Factory and telecom operator Beeline Kazakhstan (VEON Group) signed a contract for the supply of an electronic money system. The contract between Wallet Factory and Beeline Kazakhstan (VEON Group) was signed as part of the tender conducted by Beeline in the first quarter of 2018, in accordance to which Wallet Factory company was announced as the winner. The launch of the project with Wallet Factory electronic money system is planned for the autumn of 2018.

Wallet Factory electronic money system allows end users to pay for goods and services from the balance with the use of electronic money, make electronic money transfers and withdraw them to the bank card, as well as via ATMs and at the Kazpost branches.

Beeline Kazakhstan holds one of the leading positions in the telecommunication market and is the first operator in Kazakhstan that launched mobile finance. Currently, the company offers the customers a variety of services and unique products, such as public transport ticket purchase via SMS; payment from mobile balance for more than 300 services and utilities; transfers to cards, ATMs and post offices; as well Beeline Card with the combined balance of the banking card and mobile balance.

Wallet Factory specializes in solutions for telecommunication companies, providing services of mobile and electronic wallets around the world. Over the past year, Wallet Factory launched joint mobile financial services with mobile operators Vodafone in Ukraine and mobile operator O! (NUR Telecom) in Kyrgyzstan.

About Beeline Kazakhstan

Beeline Kazakhstan offers mobile and fixed network services, international and national calls, data transmission, Internet access based on wireless technologies, fiber-optic access, Wi-Fi, as well as 3G and 4G. Besides the standard list of services Beeline provides many digital options: mobile finance, multimedia services, converged services, as well as M2M, MDM, E2E solutions. Beeline is part of the telecommunications group VEON, whose shares are traded on NASDAQ and Euronext Amsterdam.

About Wallet Factory 

Wallet Factory is the financial technology company, which offers Mobile Wallet White Label Solutions around the world. Wallet Factory company is a software developer, vendor and service provider of IT solutions in the following areas – mobile wallets, mobile payments, e-currency processing, loyalty systems, mobile gifts. Offices located in the UK, Poland and Ukraine.

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