The virtual wallet, VIETNAM
Technologies simplify daily activities (calling the first aid or simply coffee ordering) and without them, it would be difficult to cope with all the problems. Nowadays plastic cards are relatively popular and widespread, but it seems that they are going to be gradually replaced by modern payment tools, e.g. digital wallets and mobile applications. Apple Pay and Google Pay are very popular today because they allow you to make purchases really fast and save time.
Nowadays the actual payment services make people use not only cash or credit cards, but also virtual wallets. They are secure, they have convenient and well-thought user interface. Wallet Factory has developed a virtual wallet – white label solution. It is a great for:
Telecom companies
Every mobile subscriber can easily top up minutes, effect payments, collect loyalty points, bonuses. All the top-ups can be made online, including electricity, gas, and water bills, funds transferring to friends and relatives, etc.
Fuel retail
Fuel retail, wherethrough the client can pay for the fuel at petrol stations even without leaving his/her car. The special digital card is a great way to collect useful points, perform preorders (buy the fuel earlier and get it on the station without waiting and spending the time), and make all the mentioned earlier operations. Many customers talk much about QR-code charges, which are easy-to-do and take only a few minutes. It has to be noted, that virtual wallet online also allows choosing the source for payment (credit card, bank account, or digital money).

Banks get the chance to sell more targeted products and enjoy development of modern technologies in practice. Anyone can link any card to the app and pay for everything. One may even say “My virtual wallet has all the options I need and a good app gives a real boost for every function, performing clearly and seamlessly”.
White label virtual wallet solutions
White label products are made for companies that will release them under their brand. Wallet Factory solutions are useful when a manufacturer needs additional assets for promotion, when it is necessary to conquer new markets or establish new sources of revenue. It also creates an opportunity to step away from competitors and reach new level of sales.
Company offers:
● eWallet. White label virtual wallet application that contains all the necessary functions, presents various transaction types (credit, debit), different wallet types (for client, merchants, agents, issuer, users). It’s a turkey and professionally-developed solution that has easy and inexpensive customization and branding. White label virtual wallet app is supported by an experienced team of developers who have already implemented similar projects and know all the specific moments.
● mReward. It’s a highly professional loyalty program, which collects and analyzes data, processes bonuses, and includes tools for interacting with clients. Personal account information helps to get the answers on the most frequently asked questions and it’s easy to manage the continuous reward settings.
● mGift. It has never been so easy to send a gift to anyone, indeed, the present to himself/herself belong to the basic functions of the program.
● mBank. Provides variety of available financial products. Here one can get the insurance, open new savings accounts, take a loan, store a long-term deposit.
Virtual card app: manage your virtual cards
The virtual card app has real functional advantages, among which there are getting a cashback and various pleasant rewards, electronic payments making, and presenting multifarious ways of encashment modes. Thanks to the specialized virtual credit card app (white label), the Wallet Factory Company allows making easy transfers between cards of different banks.
The Wallet Factory Company:
● Monitors the absence of deficiencies that may become critical to safety.
● Periodically updates virtual wallet card to meet current user and device requirements.
● Provides for the ability of users to contact developers for support issues.
● Presents a variety of options/ways to replenish the virtual credit card wallet.
● Posts a privacy policy, the interpretation of which is clear and understandable to all the customers.
The set of virtual debit card app’s functions also contain the possibility to use different financial instruments (for e-money, cryptocurrency, etc.). The person can send finance abroad and be sure, that the fixed sum will definitely reach the addressee. The wallet has built-in special functions that allow you to instantly deposit money outright to the recipient’s account in the system, to his e-mail or mobile phone. If he/she doesn’t have an account, you can transmit the sum to any addressee, even if the person is not a white label user. The recipient will receive a notification to email or phone. It’s important to notice that clients can send each other some branded gifts via virtual card wallets (such option is especially useful for partners who want to create and successfully start their mobile gift business).
The virtual wallet debit card security is provided at the highest level. Sent and received data is encoded, and transfers of a large amount of money can be additionally protected. It’s permissible to launch the application with code, PIN, fingerprint, etc. Remarkably, the virtual credit card application usually has QR code function, which is very convenient: just scan a one-of-a-kind QR code that you can find in a cafe or other point of sale and confirm the payment amount. There is no paper checks or waiting for a bill or change. The Wallet Factory Company has created the virtual cards app for iPhone and Android, so everyone can easily use the product fully adapted to his/her system.
Virtual wallet app: description and characteristics
Virtual wallet app is regarded by people as one of the best products because it’s easy to use and the software possibilities make all the procedures very fast. No need to stand in line and look for terminals or payment points for the required service. The user is not tied to the current time of day and he/she no longer depends on the schedule and location of cash points for the services. The platform can work with an unlimited number of cards, issue virtual cards, and support modern technologies, which are described on the official Wallet Factory Company website.
Wallet Factory’s virtual wallet app is profitable for businesses thanks to the comparable price; opportunity to promote the brand; bring new savvy customers, who are ready to become the part of modern technological possibilities; perform quick tests; develop relationships and retain customers; use wow! and gamification features, rewards, bonuses, and other pleasant things; being in the center of constantly integrating digital solutions. Virtual wallet app for iPhone and Android is adapted to all the smartphones and can greatly improve people’s lives.